From: May 2008

Attention War – Noisy and Profitless

In the web 2.0 fight for attention and eyeballs, one thing is clear to date…it’s pretty profitless. Today, in an aggressive move by Microsoft, explained by Henry at Alley Insider , Microsoft is going to try and take the profits out of search. Google was down big, but time will tell if Microsoft can buy …

Lifelock Bashing…Yawn

I got a few phone calls this afternoon telling me that Dylan Ratigan was bashing Lifelock on CNBC this afternoon. I emailed him to tell him he was wrong. Interestingly enough, I was down at Lifelock’s HQ grabbing a bite with one of their marketing young guns. I just searched for the video and …

Railroads are Parabolic…

Just pointing it out in shock and awe. You have coal and oil at record highs and all the nattering about inflation, yet railroads like Union Pacific (UNP) and Burlington Northern (BNI) and CSX (CSX) all covered on Wallstrip have gone parabolic in their rises. I wonder what all this will look like when it’s …