From: October 2019

Unbundling Education

I really really enjoyed this piece by Byrne Hobart titled ‘Y Combinator, Not Lambda School, Is Unbundling Education’. The premise: American universities are some of the most powerful institutions on earth. They provide a valuable brand name to talented people, they create incestuous networks that persist for decades, and their in-house hedge funds are all …

Vaping and The Vice Matrix

I never know which tweets I share will strike a chord. A lot of my most popular tweets get few likes or retweets but get me a lot of email and texts. Those are my favorite because people are too embarrassed to engage directly with the actual tweet for fear of backlash. That means I …

Weed Kills …Portfolios

It has been a horrific year for marijuana stocks. Back in March of this year, I dug into the sector a bit with Koyfin founder Rob and what blew me away most from the analysis he was walking me through was the industry as a whole was trading at 85x sales (minute 7). Here is …