A Monday Laugh

I was on my way to NYC today and got stopped by the machines because they sensed ‘explosive materials’ on my hands.

I had just eaten some weapon grade good teriyaki beef jerky…

My partner Tom who immediately sensed smart ass comments from me and embarrassing photos started snapping photos.

Things did escalate a bit, but eventually the humans and the machines cleared me.

I shared this photo on Stocktwits, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and asked for a caption:

The answers on the Twitter and Stocktwits streams are damn funny. I was laughing out loud at a bunch of the hundreds of responses. I have had a few things go viral over the years but this was the most commented piece of content I have ever shared.

My personal favorite was from @rahagar who captioned the following:

‘Yes officer, if you put your ear on my ass you really can hear the ocean’

Runner up from @johnnmartin a friend in LA and cameraman on ‘Veep’:

‘Beta testing Snapchat’s new ‘Recticles’

I like being silly and it is great when an otherwise uneventful moment can lead to some good laughs.