Arizona Diamondbacks…Trend Follower or Fair Weather Fan?

With the Diamondbacks ‘HOT’ and me hating the NBA these days, I am officially on the bandwagon. It’s easy to catch ‘The Fever’ when it’s 140 degrees in the shade.

Baseball is great for one thing…sometimes teams just overachive and just make it fun.

My son has got the bug and that means some attendance during the pennant drive. Andy Monfried has a great post on what it’s like with your kids at a baseball game for the first time . That’s exactly how I felt and looking forward to attending a few down the stretch.

My kids are starting to ‘BULK UP’ so that they can see over the people in front. All Fans should dope as well for better viewing.

Disclosure – Long Mets, Cuns and Diamondbacks.