Buy in May Go Away

There is an old saying in the financial world ‘Sell in May and Go Away‘.

May is around the corner so now would be a good time to mention that it’s a dumb saying (which means this year will be the first in six to actually be a good time to sell in May).

I am having a great year in 2018 but have no intention of selling, though I will be going away.

The markets are literally in the palm of our hands 24/7/365.

Do not switch your investing strategy because of the calendar in a globally connected mobile and social world.

I will keep finding great opportunities because of sayings like this. It seems that the dumber the investing world gets with ETF’s, fancy products and passive investing, the better it is for growth companies (mostly tech because of the leverage from software).

Be open to pouncing on investments and trades each and every day.