Cannabis Commited: Get Ready For 2.0 – Todd Harrison Joins Me On ‘Panic With Friends’

Happy Friday everyone.

Today my friend Todd Harrison joins me on ‘Panic With Friends’ (episode 86) to discuss the cannabis sector. Todd is the founding Partner at CB1 Capital Management, LLC. Todd and I go way back. I was a big fan of his from the day he took over for Jim Cramer at The (for a week) while Jim took a rare holiday. Todd is a passionate writer and person. He recounts being down by the towers in 9/11 and the journey that led him to the Cannabis industry and the start of his current Cannabis hedge fund (full disclosure – I am an LP in his fund).

Todd is very optimistic on the US Cannabis companies, mostly for medical and health reasons and lists his favorite public companies in the episode.

You can listen to the episode here.

You can also listen on Spotify (please subscribe to get each episode as I don’t write about each one on the blog), or the Apple podcast app.

Todd also summarizes his current thoughts on the cannabis sector in these two posts:

Why The Cannabis Sector May Be Turning a New Leaf, and

Cannabis Committed: Get Ready For 2.0.