Collateral Damage…Big Bucks

The US dollar is falling to record lows…duh. Gold will continue to outperform…Yep.

These are the areas of collateral damage from our fed decisions.

Until our Fed changes it’s focus, stop only looking at where they are fighting the fire to make money.

No doubt, the financials have been like shooting fish in the barrel for the shortsellers, but if you don’t want to shortsell, the inflationary investments have been pretty dam good. Food – up, Travel and airlines – down, Vegas – down, Gold-up, Dollar – Down.

Policy matters. The government has had the printing presses on for years, now they are trumpeting it proudly on weekends. Your Benjamin Franklins are getting too easy to find and collect.

Disclosure – Long OIH, GLD, PAAS, SLW