Google – the day after

Like I wrote last night, the hype of Google’s demise now that it only EARNED $1.9 billion, should be ignored. At $362, a price I paid for the stock while talking to my partner Frank at, you were paying almost 25 percent less than a weeks ago when CNBC’s Cramerica (putz and yutz and blowhard and sell out and obnoxious and pretty smart) was raising his price target to $500.

I said turn off CNBC for three days and see where it settles.

Day 1 – $401 and change

For the record, I sold ten minutes after the open at $386 – putz! But, have not turned on CNBC – half putz?

I do have a reason and that is I like Yahoo better. I tend to agree with the analysis of Kessler which I also chronicled last night. More in a bit.