Hot Stixx – Equipment and Fit Matter

I could rant endlessly about the markets and Fat Nixon/Blonde Saddam (h/t Josh Brown) after a day like today but I won’t.

I will instead chat about the second most frustrating hobby (besides talking about the markets) of mine which is golf.

I have really struggled with golf the last few years. I generally choose to go riding when I have the time to do one or the other.

My son Max on the other hand makes the game look easy and since I want to play more golf with Max I decided to invest a little bit into the game this summer.

Unfortunately, my play over the summer has gotten worse and worse. I know what I am doing wrong, but when it comes to executing a shot I become a babbling mess.

My nephew Eli Bernick mentioned how he got fitted for a new driver at Scottsdale’s Hot Stixx and loved the results so I decided to try it out myself. I went for a fitting last month. It was a grueling three hours of testing clubs and shafts from all the manufacturers.

By the end of the fitting I was a miserable confused mess.

According to TrackMan (a humiliating piece of hardware and software) my swing speed was down to 89 by the time the fitting was complete and I think I might have wet my pants. I figured if Hot Stixx was a legitimate operation they would refuse to sell me clubs for fear it would tarnish their brand.

Instead they went to work and made the decisions for me and told me to trust the machines and my feel and the results.

My clubs arrived last week and I have played a couple rounds with friends.

Color me happy so far.

Equipment and fit do matter.