I am a Salesman… and I just got 50 ‘Likes’ on Instagram

I have closed some huge sales in my life. If I am not selling, I am sleeping.

I have had blog posts with hundreds of comments and have had tweets retweeted hundreds of times, but I have never had an Instagram photo liked 50 times.


It’s silly. It’s a game. I know. But that was a lot of work getting there.

I love sharing my thoughts and ideas and strategies. I share too much.

I share because my job is sales. I am working for leads.

The easiest way for me to build leads is to use the tools of the web…the desktop, mobile and social web. I have tried everything. I am sure something new will come along and I will use it. No matter how good that new tool is I will need the web. Now matter how good the web becomes I need to use the phone and no matter how good the phone is I need to make the time for face to face. It’s relentless, but luckily I love it all. Bring it.

I have discovered that the best way to get leads is to share ideas. I used to have to get a a meeting to share some ideas…talk about friction.

In a face to face I like my odds against most. If I can’t sell what I have, I ask…’What would you buy?’ and than focus on selling them back their answer. It’s a game. The idea business means I am in the networking business. The networking business means I am in the early adopter business. Yep…relentless. Yep…bring it.

Today, everyone is trying to code their way out of problems and into ‘growth’. I get it. Sales is hard.

So here’s to the salespeople and the great product people. They have never been this close together.