I can't get BEARISH…I was buying that DIP

Other than BUBBLE, the two most useless investing terms are BULL MARKET and BEAR MARKET. There are stocks that suck and stocks that are cooking.

Now that the dust has settled on the swoooon of the last 10 days, my portfolio is little changed on the year (up a few percent). I was hit, but not that bad.

I was stopped out of nothing despite the massive selloff. Taking profits in CROX, RIMM and AAPL the last few months actually saved me NOTHING. They are all higher than where I sold them DESPITE the correction.

I do think CROX is done.

I added Starbucks, Electronic Arts, International Game Technology and a few gold stocks. I did not add more BIDU (It’s on my CODE RED list). I love the BIDU model, but hate China as an investment vehicle. Too loved anyway.

I totally missed some fast market dips in the Malaysia ETF (EWM) and Webex (WEBX), two stock and areas I like.

All I really notice is that the stocks that sucked before – HOMEBUILDERS – suck worse. That is something I have been saying.

The market is hard for sure. If you did not know that two weeks ago, you know now. It is just not that complicated.

If you were heavy on margin, you should not be. If you owned crap stocks before the swoon, they will be crappier. If you own the strongest stocks like I do, they were whacked and you should be on guard. If you did not add some of the best brands and growth stocks like I mentioned and added, you should not be investing by yourself.