Money’s Biggest Year Ever…The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Merry Christmas Everyone.

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday season.

I may celebrate today by going to the Suns/Warriors game here in Phoenix.

We have had an incredible run of great weather here in the Valley of The Sun the last three months that finally ended yesterday with a full day of rain. It continues today.

Looking back at 2021 and the one thing that stands out in markets/finance is that money – in physical and digital form – had its biggest year ever.

Right from the top the government led the way…

The FED won’t act until it becomes political…

In this backdrop it is no wonder we saw the supply from SPAC’s and IPO’s at all time highs…

The SEC was of course completely lost and behind during 2021 as Gensler was focused on tweeting and TV appearances. While he worried about Crypto, Goldman and JP Morgan…NFT’s exploded and Trumpf pulled off his latest financial scam in his plain sight. Matt Levine has covered it so well.

Now that the ‘yoots’ have their Telegram/Discord pump and dump channels, digital wallets, NFT’s and Opensea …good luck bringing them back to the stock market. The supply of tokens and NFT’s will be endless as the ‘creator economy’ is this generations ‘god given right’. Forget the fact if this is right or wrong or good or bad for the purpose of this blog post.

In hindsight, I should have made my life easier and indexed once the market bottomed in April 2020, but I am a trend follower. Unfortunately, for the most part, what worked in 2020 did not work in 2021…

I am a big believer in do it yourself investing, but also a big believer in keeping it simple. For years here on this blog I have been telling people to choose $QQQ over $SPY when they index and that indexing is best for most, but I also love to pick stocks to try and trounce the public market.

I may put the ‘trouncing the public market’ thinking on the backburner while all this new money continue to swish around.