Rachel’s First Manhattan Apartment

The markets are closed today so I will share ‘Momentum Monday’ tomorrow AM on the blog and this afternoon on the streams.


It is Memorial day weekend so New York City was quiet and as I mentioned yesterday, the weather was cold and rainy which kept the streets empty.

I shared yesterday that SOHO made me sad and New Yorkers were quick to point out I was wrong and how busy the streets and restaurants seem to them. I have no doubt that by the fall New York will be a bit closer to its pre COVID self, and nobody is rooting for it more than me, but the city is not remotely close today.

The streets seem dominated by CVS and Walgreens and ‘Space For Lease’.

With the rain and quiet streets, it was a perfect day to move Rachel into her first apartment.

My friend Jorge (a Manhattan real estate agent and a reader of my blog) hit me up on Twitter because he knew we were looking for Rachel. Jorge did a great job picking a place for Rachel without her physically seeing the apartment.

Obviously a lot of trust was in Jorge, but between text, Facetime (video) and a few phone calls, Rachel had her first NYC lease.

Yesterday we decided to move Rachel in as best we could for a holiday Sunday.

First we hit my favorite Sunday brunch spot in SOHO – 12 Chairs – which not only survived but thrived with the extra outdoor space.

We were nervous heading over to Kip’s Bay neighborhood to see her apartment for the first time, but Rachel was happy with the choice. She and her roommate (headed to Columbia) should be just fine. I think having a doorman 24/7 was a must.

It is really amazing what Casper, Amazon and Target (around the blog) can do to ease modern move in life.

The most difficult thing will be getting internet which really should be the easiest thing…no wonder everyone hates Time Warner, AT&T and Verizon who spend all their free cash flow acquiring bad media and not creating any customer delight.

We are open to suggestions on the best and most efficient way for Rachel to buy and have delivered a couch and chairs and desk in a fast manner…fire away your favorite sites for that.

Thanks everyone.