Somebody Likes Me

I had one of those long Manhattan work days yesterday.

It was great. The weather was perfect. I made all my meetings.

I had dinner with some portfolio companies and even Rachel joined.

After 11 I got in a taxi with Rachel and dropped her off first before being dropped off at the hotel.

This magical Manhattan work day should have been wrapped with a bow at that point.


I left my backpack in the taxi. My laptop and notebook and other goodies were gone.

I buzzed Don and Gary because … why not stress them out ….

Don helped me track the taxi company and leave a text per their directions.

But it really comes down to whether the taxi driver sees the bag and decides to return it.

I changed some passwords and went to bed.

As I was nodding off I got a call from a blocked phone number.

My taxi driver had driven my bag to a police station and turned it in.

The only question left is … what is the appropriate gift and gesture for the cab driver?