Stock Bloggers Wanted

Not for me, but for FLY . If you have a foul mouth and can trade off your arrrsss, oh yeah and write well, please contact him. See his plea below:

Closing Comments
Today was quite enjoyable. I ended up the week +3.2%, putting my YTD returns above 11%. Additionally, I heard from some old friends– who needed to have their money managed. All in all, life keeps getting better for “The Fly,” as his information pipeline gets better by the day.

While it’s true, the week ended on a down note and many “smart investors” are worried about a pending correction in the markets. I, on the other hand, do not fear such pedestrian events– mainly because I am hopped up on Monster Energy Soda and because I am bullet proof.

Some of you may say, “Hey, this guy is fucking nuts” or “I can’t wait until he starts losing money, so that he stops hiring illegal Mexicans.”

However, such attempts or wishes will only fall flat on its face, for I have ample cash reserves and supply of illegal Mexicans to last for years– in the event my calculator brain malfunctions.

As for today’s trading:

Everyone had a hard on for Gold, Oil and Steel. However, I was impressed by the “amazon jungle strength” in the Networkers, specifically GGBM, GLBC, CAMD, ADCT, DIGL and NETL.

In short, I want to stay long the Networkers, until Jim Cramer gets “shit-canned” from CNBC or until the internets gets eaten by a rogue robot.

Finally, I intend on “hiring” someone to blog on this stupid website, on the weekends, very soon. Starting salary will be equal to the Ancient Roman “minimum wage,” and the honor to be associated with a genetically superior life form. If any of you leaches would like such an “honor,” make sure to e-mail me– at my earliest convenience.