Stocktoberfest….Adding Some Cheddar to the Event

Stocktoberfest is less than a month away on Coronado – Oct 13-15 and this year we are excited to announce that the Cheddar team will cover the event with many live videos and speaker interviews.

While you won’t be able to livestream the whole event from Cheddar’s Facebook page, you will be able to get some great live inside looks from the speakers and attendees.

It will be fun to have Jon Steinberg and his Cheddar team at the event because they love stocks, markets and new media. The media and video coverage is a first for us.

The speaker schedule is set and our Friday stock market sessions are the best I have ever assembled (click through to the site to see for yourself). I have no doubt our guests/attendees will leave with profitable ideas and a great network to lean on. On Saturday we are having a Fintech morning with interviews and startup pitches and on Saturday afternoon the first ever breakout sessions with all our speakers networking with the audience to dive deeper into the questions with much one on one interactions.

The Del patios are people’s favorite place to network and discuss the markets and mingle with founders.

I hope you can make it out live, but for those that can’t Cheddar will capture some of the great moments for sure.