Sub Prime Scapegoats…Moody's and Mcgraw Hill (Standard and Poor's Ratings)

It’s curtain time possibly for one of either Mcgraw Hill (MHP) or Moody’s (MCO). These have gone from loved to hated in record time. WOW.

They have great margins , but I would never trust their words in a bull market or bear – too many conflicts. I for sure would include them in my list of financials that i would never chase. I have always just avoided. That’s been wrong for sure – until lately.

In the stock market, good can turn ugly in a second.

I never trust anything or anybody. You should not either.

Follow price and price alone unless you manage more money than most and can make the rules. If they become scapegoats, buying these falling knives will be extremely painful.

Will continue to watch the battle unfold.