Tagged: Oil

Two Words….TAR SAND

Not Tarzan to you Facebook kiddies, OIL. Canada has it. I know what you are thinking…One more Bush Term and it’s yours! Woooo. Not. I have schlepped through the streets of New York trying to break a $20 Canadian to explain the trend behind Canada’s strength. It’s oil and Gold. The damn Canadians have it. …

Oil looks poised to go HIGHER

Just a feeling and I am looking at some longer term oil plays the last few days. I was reading the Chairman tonight and he was recapping one of the Barron’s weekend calls . I agree with the qoute he chose: “China is still using only 6.5 million barrels of oil per day. We are …

Commodities dddone?

The CRB is actually below it’s 200 day moving average. Obviously the decline in oil has had the most significant impact. The copper implosion has not helped I am not trading off this (long USO), but it is the first time in FOUR (4) years that the index has traded below this average. I consider …