Tel Aviv – Food and Tech…Tech and Food

Good morning.

My blog was down most of yesterday so many did not receive the email …so here it is again.

I had a fantastic day with founders and investors yesterday around Tel Aviv.

As I mentioned yesterday, Jefferies is having a #techtrek event here and there was so much founder and investor brain power – multi generational in nature as well – in one hotel it was intimidating.

Sometimes you just get lucky and the Jefferies people were kind of enough to let me attend and mingle.

Here is the patio venue last might…

It was fun to catch up in person with Abe Finkelstein of Vintage Ventures…

Vintage is one of the largest venture firms in Israel and one of the original venture fund of funds backing so many great funds. I have had Abe on my podcast talking about all this and if you have not listened it is worth doing so. Here is the episode.

I’m off to the rest of my meetings.

Have a great day.