The Bull is just snorting! EVEN WEB WEAKLING Time Warner a buy?

It has been at least 6 months since I have considered coming back to Time Warner.

The house cleaning that has taken place the last few days is sweet. They have a little bit left to do. Shit, Cramer could do it.

The chart telegraphed the news. You will notice that this AWFUL management’s fate was sealed back in July as the tech market exploded and Time Warner continued to suffer. The big money knew these changes were coming.

I will concede that NO ONE can save AOL.

But the web weaklings assembled to do the heavy lifting did not help AOL’s situation. They just stole more money from common shareholders in opportunity cost.

It is supremely fitting that Jason Calacanis resigned (he was such a goner anyway) today. He has made some personal money but is the kiss of death.

This stock is going higher. I am buying a little tomorrow. I think a lot of good changes are in store. They could (likely will) start by closing all the crap that Jason made like Netscape (Digg clone) and Blogging Stocks (a bad train wreck). Neither is worth linking to. They will be dead links soon.

AOL is done. Get rid of it for SOMETHING. Just keep the traffic by offering some worthwhile content.

Time Warner is cool. Has content. Has capital to buy web content, web talent.

That is a plan. Hope someone is listening.

Time Warner could be great.



  1. Pingback: The Blogging Times » Calacanis/AOL LoveFest Comes To An Abrupt End
  2. Pingback: The Blogging Times » Thanks For Saving Our Asses, Now Get Out.
  3. Pingback: Howard Lindzon » AOL UNCUT - hot?

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