The Hairiest Chest in Tuscany 

I’ve been able to humor myself since I was 5 years old. Today kids fall asleep to Spotify playlists but I had Johnny Carson. He was silly. He loved to entertain. He laughed out loud on television and I used to laugh out loud myself watching. 

I was minding my own business in Lucca, Italy yesterday eating some gelato and a waffle. I was with Ellen, Phil Pearlman and his wife Michelle touring and relaxing and not looking for mischief. 

I have bad eyesight and have learned to enjoy the blur, but a man with the hairiest unkempt chest hair walked by me and I had to have a picture. Phil noticed as well. Ellen thought I was nuts chasing a man with a black t-shirt. 

But Phil knows body hair. His back and shoulders are a source of a lot of my shtick when we hang out. 

I grabbed my iPhone to get in front of this gentlemen minding his own business. It was like an old episode of Wild Kingdom (a great show I watched as a kid) and he was the lion that walked into my den. 

Sure enough it really was chest hair and not a black shirt. 

Ok back to the vacation.