This is The Top

I was pitching a potential LP yesterday (family office) and the conversation was lively.

When it came to discussing a new investment in the portfolio, the investor interrupted and said ‘this is the top‘.

It was definitely the first time it has happened in all my years of pitching.

I laughed a little and just said maybe. It felt like I was in a scene from Seinfeld.

It must be fun to take meetings with early stage funds and just blurt out ‘this is the top’.

I wonder how many other seed stage fund managers get that type of comment as they present.

Last night I was at Josh Brown and Barry Ritholtz’s new wealth management office opening and I was telling Josh and Phil Pearlman about the pitch. They got a good chuckle. Phil said I need to start taping these pitches.

On my way out, Josh had me sign a poster for the office wall, and I of course doodled…

‘The Top’

I signed my name, dropped the Sharpie, grabbed my beer and left for some good Chinese food.

Back to the grind tomorrow.