The S&P is at All-Time Highs …Today is a Better day to Panic 

It’s July but we’ve had two CNBC and major media ‘it’s over’ moments already in US stock markets in 2016. 

The first was in February. I forget why. If you don’t you will have by 2017.  I wrote this and added a few stocks

The second was ‘post Brexit’.  The ‘autonomous bull’ has taken care of that.  

We have also has one weekend in February of #RIPTwitter (here is my blog post where I bought the stock, since sold). 

Today we also had a new all-time high in the S&P and Microsoft at or very near 16 year highs. 

I always get a little panicked when a majority of what I buy/own goes up but it’s a good thing. These days happen when you are clear headed the few times a year when you need to actually buy a few things.  

Right now as I wrote a few weeks ago the ‘markets are speaking‘ and it has paid (so far) to listen up. 

I expect to get one or two more ‘panics’ this year. It’s a special one for sure with the US Presidency up for grabs and Europe boiling. 

If you expect the same than its a great time to panic tomorrow and free up a little cash so you  can put it back to work in the next, inevitable  real panic.