TWO ‘Panic With Friends’- Joe Marchese Of Attention Capital and Scott Lynn Founder of Masterworks

I have settled in to recording two ‘Panic With Friends’ podcasts a week.

You can subscribe to the podcast here on Spotify, or at Apple .

First up is Joe Marchese. Joe is a great entrepreneur and now venture capitalist at Attention Capital whose focus is to buy, build and scale brands. Joe and I had a great conversation about new media and marketing. The term that sticks with me is what Joe calls ‘attention distraction’ and how a next big wave of companies is going to do a much better job around attention.

You can listen to the podcast here.

Next up is Scott Lynn, the founder of Masterworks, an exclusive community of blue-chip art investors. I have long been bullish on the idea of fractional investments and Scott took the fractional buying and investing experience to the art market. Ellen and I are longtime contemporary art fans and Scott does a great job explaining how the markets work, the process and the amazing industry that remains uncorrelated to other investing classes. Of course there have been moments of panic, but the long term returns have been fantastic.

You can listen to the podcast here.