Web Video…More All-Time Highs Ahead and Welcome TubeMogul to The Blog

First of all, thanks so much to all the commenters and emails and new readers that keep flowing in…your comments are always read and appreciated and it’s fun to mix it up and goof off a little.

I am headed to Toronto for the Summer with the family and will be working from KBC’s Toronto headquarters which are SWEET.

It’s tough coordinating a Phoenix shutdown for a few months and so while I will continue to post very frequently I think the blog will take a more idea generating tone and be less focused on conversation, but maybe I am wrong. I will be reading less and surfing less so price and the bigger trends are all I will be focused on…as well as helping out portfolio companies and managing my hedge fund.

The good kharma continues to flow and after stupidly losing my Mac Air at my fave local hangout by walking out yesterday without it and not realizing until this morning, it was generously turned in by someone and now held by the owner, a buddy. That’s just lucky. I have been nasty agitated of late and the best way to get it out of my system is to share more and bang out positive ideas and trends for us to ride.

Obviously, I continue to believe Web Video is a grand daddy of trends and so I am happy to have TubeMogul’s David Burch aboard as a summer guest columnist on web video trends. TubeMogul’s data is being smartly organized into regular posts over at AlleyInsider as well.

Over here, David won’t be writing opinion posts, but serving up real data about real online video trends. The data they are collecting is just too wide and deep for me to cover and link, but I think you will appreciate the content and ideas that can be generated from what you will read here. At worst you will see the hottest, most viral videos on the web right here and frequently.

Here is a great post from Michael today at Alley Insider entitled ‘The New Lords of YouTube ‘ using TubeMogul’s data. Some new classics.

It’s hard to ignore this trend and a lot easier for American entrepreneurs than starting complex alternative energy companies or digging mines and building plants. Sure, the smartasses will say that there is no honor in it and it’s a snapshot of America’s bigger problem (like we have just one), but I say embrace it, lead it and the less friction the better.

America is all about exporting culture for the forseeable future ( I was on this for you back in 2006 ). You can fight it and complain, but you should also embrace it.