You Say Tequilla, I Say Tequilla..So Drink My Tequilla! Richard Betts Joins Me On ‘Panic With Friends’ To Talk Tequilla Komos And SuperBird

I don’t drink often, but when I do, I drink Tequilla. If I mix a drink it will be Tequilla with a little grapefruit juice. Seeing that it’s 2020 and anything goes, of course I am now an investor (personal angel) in a Tequilla brand.

Even if you could care less about spirits, you will love this podcast with Richard Betts an incredible American entrepreneur building his new Casa Komos Beverage Group from Amsterdam…

I know you get this email at 9 am EST but you are working from home and nobody has a clue what the hell you are doing so pour some Tequilla and have a listen…HERE YOU GO ON SPOTIFY

Guest: Richard Betts

Profile: Partner & CEO of Casa Komos Beverage Group, Creator of both Tequila Komos and Superbird

Where to Find Him: Instagram, Twitter

Fun Facts: It was hard to pick just one fun fact about this guy. Richard and his wife are travel junkies, traveling 250 days a year (well 2020 excluded). They also make some really great wine, owning one of the oldest Grenache vineyards on the planet. On top of that, he’s the two-time New York Times best-selling author of “The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide to Becoming a Wine Expert” and “The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide to Becoming a Whiskey Know-It-All.”

What’s the Panic About:
Joe Marchese, a previous guest on Panic, first introduced me to Richard Betts. And thank god he did. Since then, I’ve invested in Richard’s exciting new tequila business. I had a great time catching up with him this episode and really seeing Social Leverage at work. In this episode, Richard and I talk about his new company, ecommerce, selling booze to people, his experience living in Amsterdam, and more. Overall, there wasn’t much panic this episode (although that might have been because both host and guest were drinking tequila).

The Takeaway:
Richard said it best — and it’s even one of my favorite quotes as mentioned below — find that intersection of enthusiasm and opportunity and run with it. But the key is to remember not to do everything you love because it doesn’t always intersect with an opportunity. Richard is just a perfect example of this. His passion and love for the work he does just radiates through him.

Favorite Quotes:

“If you don’t do something different, it’s a bad idea.”

“Work at the intersection of enthusiasm and opportunity.”

“A great investor spreads the word.”

“Think about the business you want to build. I never want to start a business that a) I can’t sell or b) I’m not prepared to own forever.”

PS – I am now doing two ‘Panic With Friends’ podcasts per week. Thanks for listening and make sure you subscribe over on Spotify or Apple.