Zig Zig Across the USA

I have a heavy two weeks of coast to coast traffic.

I’m up early and off to New York tomorrow. It’s a Stocktwits and Fintech week with Stocktoberfest all day and eve on March 30th.

I am off to Florida to play a few rounds of golf with friends for next weekend. I am trying this ‘shipsticks’ to get my clubs to meet me there so I do not have to drag my clubs onto two planes.

From Florida I head to San Fran for a speech at an advertising conference and finally back to San Diego for the end of the week Social Leverage LP event we call Palooza.

Today, I had a nice experience out on my ride. I flatted a back tire at the furthest point out of town. I blew a co2 cartridge to get my tire ready for the road so was about to dial up an Uber. Along comes Tim who pulled over and set up his cartridge to juice my tire and i was off to complete my 45 mile ride.I promised him I would pay it forward.

Tonight at synagogue service to honor my in-laws, an old acquaintance was hit by a heart attack . My brother in law – an emergency room doctor – dove in and saved the day

I hope to see many of you this week

Let’s keep the energy high!