From: November 2008

Being WRONG is the Problem!

Too much energy is spent and too many accolades are given to those that are ‘right’. Lot’s of people were right calling for a nasty recession. Most of them are still broke or down 40 percent. You can’t say you were ‘right’ if you called for a tsunami and than it smacked you and your …


So China is moving money around from a fixed pool. Obviously, we could care less based on today’s action. My one big position (short China – FXP) is heavily underwater after todand and Friday, and with the other market bleeding today was just not pretty for me. Here are my videos from today’s TechTicker: The …

Why I love Filtrbox

If you don’t know about Filtrbox already, you should. In simple terms its like google alerts on steroids, but really its more than that. I was introduced to the company by my friend Brad Feld, and was really impressed with the service and figured “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”. So I made an …

The Gripp – The Good Old Days

Screw the market as I have said lately, it’s a casino. I yearn for the good old days of the early 1990’s. No freaking internet. No email. No cell phones. We sold balls baby. Big ones, soft ones, firm ones, squishy ones. The biggest internet concern of the days, was that our domain was …

Casino Time!

I hate Vegas and 99 percent of you should be hating and staying away from this market. You are missing nothing. I am trading with some moderate success, but most traders are just losing money. I continue to buy vicious dislocations and sell major rallies. It is working, but it is work. I know there …