From: December 2016

Investing is Art and Science

Morgan Housel had another great piece entitled ‘The Art and Science of Investing‘. I like this part the most: Building a valuation model is a science. Calibrating it to reflect the psychology of uncertainty is an art. Gathering information is a science. Filtering out noise is an art. Net present value is a science. Identifying …

Fake News CNBC Style 

Here is a summary of the markets for 2016 on CNBC: January—-  😳😩😡😱📢 December—  💊💪🎈🎉🇺🇸💰 While CNBC ‘entertained’ many companies gained traction with the next generation of investors.  I am proud of our Stocktwits team and Social Leverage’s financial services portfolio companies that focus on making the markets easier to understand and participate in.  In …

The Bond Market Hates Donald Trump

The only sure thing about this election was that neither party was going to #draintheswamp. Middle America thought Donald would #draintheswamp ….what he did was #drainthebondholders and officially put Goldman Sachs is back in charge of the world. Emperor Donald is old, an ass, a bully, selfish and he seems insane, but he has a …