From: January 2020

Fashology in China?

I was watching this Chip Wilson (founder of $LULU) interview yesterday and he mentioned that he had been selling down his 9 percent position in LULU and buying the Nike of China. I did not know there was a Nike of China . I thought Nike was the Nike of China. Chip was talking about …

Rachel Turns 22….Any Advice?

It was Rachel’s 22nd birthday yesterday. She has been home from the holidays which means she has had to stare at me mostly on the couch recovering or had to visit me at the hospital. As she always does, Rachel makes the best of things. She’s been really busy catching up with her cousins and …

The Art of NOT Selling

I am an early seller. Steven Wright – the comedian – tells a joke about being born by cesarian…he knows this because he leaves parties via the upstairs window. Maybe I was 3 months born early. I’m always leaving the comfort of a great stock the first chance I get! Ellen and I have always …

Investing Is So Easy…

Last year, Apple and Microsoft accounted for 1/3 of the Nasdaq 100’s great 37.8 percent year. If you listen closely you can hear 1,000 hedge funds closing. I was smart enough to own Apple but do not own Microsoft. No wonder more and more people turn to indexing and simple asset allocation when it comes …