Always Sardonic

Last week after seeing my sister for the first time in over a year, she sent me an old picture from her wedding:

You can tell by my smile that I had no idea what a prostate was!

I shared it on Twitter and the conversations were very funny.

I miss my hair.

Yesterday I was on a Zoom with two great investors – Nigel Morris and Frank Rothman – and at the end of the conversation Nigel said I was ‘sardonic’.

I told him I was not sure whether that was a compliment or and to hang tight while I searched it.

Wikipedia says – To be sardonic is to be disdainfully or cynically humorous, or scornfully mocking.[1][2] A form of wit or humour, being sardonic often involves expressing an uncomfortable truth in a clever and not necessarily malicious way, often with a degree of skepticism

I can live with being an aging sardonic. Nigel is ok in my book.

Speaking of scornfully mocking and uncomfortable truths …I have an Instagram imposter but I don’t want to report them because they are choosing great pictures of me.

Also – Instagram is now the most complicated product of all the social networks. Sad.

Have a great day.