Am I Wearing Pants?…And Drones

My home is overrun with kids right now. Rachel and Max are working and living here at home. My nephew Jeremy has been here for a month and today my nephew Aaron is coming.

It is fun to have so much late night energy around the house. I take an Ambien as their nights get started.

The lack of travel continues to offer a lot of creative time for me and I have started doing weekly market video chats with my pal JC (All Star Charts).

JC has been building a great team to create and edit videos so that the discussions are crisper and dare I say funnier.

One subject I trust JC on even more than the technicals is his food choices. In this episode we spend the first part talking pizza, gumbo and pie ordering from the food app Goldbelly. JC has great recommendations. We also discuss the price action in Tesla, Bitcoin, SPAC froth and the market rotation that may or may not be happening. Because we live Zoom lives, I also reveal whether I am wearing pants.

Here is the 20 min episode.

Next up…

Two summers ago Rachel was in Chile (Easter Island) working on an anthropology project that involved a lot of drone work. This week I ordered a drone so she could show off here drone talents. She picked the DJI Drone at just $400 and we got it yesterday. Today we took it for a test flight and I was really blown away. I can’t believe what you can buy for $400. The pictures it takes are fantastic, it hooks up simply to an iPhone and lands itself. Here is a picture of the drone on the maiden voyage:

I’m excited to take it places. Have a great weekend everyone.