Amazon $AMZN to Buy Twitter $TWIT ….The Monday Headline We Need!

Everyone loves a merger Monday…other than shortsellers.

The market is heavy and the dollar is firming, so we might not see them as often and the government can’t continue to be counted on for Sunday intervention silliness.

There are a lot of deals that would light a fire under the market though and I don’t mean more IPO’s.

We need to have capital freed up and I don’t expect it to come from the banks. You should’nt either.

In March 2009, I believed and wrote that $amzn should have paid $2 billion for $TWIT and in hindsight that might have been cheap . I think $12 billion is a fair price today.

In March 2009, Amazon was a $40 billion company, now $87 billion or so. For 15 percent, the interest graph seems cheap to me. It would have been cheaper in 2009. Maybe Jeff Bezos, an investor in Twitter can get them to do it for $9 or $10 billion.

I doubt Twitter will ever have thousands of employees so at this time it would be cool to see the capital unleashed on the new young centimillionaires and get the web employment multiplier going even faster. I don’t see it being unlocked in other sectors of our economy.

Let’s do it Jeffy!