Foursquare…Vision and Talent Trumps Short-Term Revenue

Huge congrats to Foursquare $fsq are in order for the $50 million raise, not just for the amount of money raised but for the sheer hustle and vision that it takes to build a brand and identity in a noisy environment.

There is so much to learn from your wins and losses and your early sells and missed sale opportunities and the last 5 years have been a rear window addict like myself. Shoulda, coulda, woulda….

The fortunes I have left on the table are insane considering how hard I have worked but writing and sharing is the best way for me to digest and grow.

The network I get from sharing my wins and losses in real-time don’t replace the money, but they have made me smarter and satisfied in many other ways. It’s thrilling and fun to be looking at big league pitches in both the public and private markets all day everyday.

The exciting thing about social networks like Twitter and Linked in, publishing platforms like Worpdpress and Tumbler and expert networks like @stocktwits and @AngelList is your ability to tap the social graph and go faster in your areas of passion.

Serenity Now.