Apple on Wallstrip…I got an iPhone

It was fun shooting with the whole gang last week in New York and I had my new iPhone.

To be honest, I did not get it set up. That was just good old fashioned acting on my part :) .

Now that I am back in Toronto, I might as well be on Mars trying to get this phone set up. Let’s just say there are problems.

With respect to the stock, it continues to act undervalued and at worst…hard to value. Don’t just hug a shortseller, hug an Apple shortseller. they continue to look at the big picture. In an up market, optimism reighs and you better understand it.

Apple is gaining marketshare in the PC World. Alex has a great post summarizing the state of affairs with stats showing Apple at 10-15 percent market share. I think they get to 30 percent overall within 3 years. That’s plenty of upside if the market mood stays good.

Disclosure – Long Apple