Be Nice to Lindsay

I feel bad. I did not know Lindsay was struggling with this :) .


  1. Leigh says:

    I guess now you can only use the line

    “What’s your problem. Are you getting your period or soemthing?”

    four times a year….

  2. Mark says:

    . . . . (four periods)

    I think this is disgusting and should not be allowed on the innerwebs.

    What I really want to see is a live webcast of George’s Tube-oscopy on Saturday.

  3. marc says:

    So…this begs the question… Why didn’t Lindsay get the third role in this doppelgänger commercial? She can’t play an OBGYN as well as a girl with split-personalities!? ;)

  4. Mike says:

    Moral issue for me. I like drug stocks, but the products are something I do not desire. (I will do anything to stay away from any drug a doctor recommends. What did they do 100 years ago?) Whatever happened to live your life and get on with it. Too much science ruins the mix. Sorry, but my 2 cents.

    P.S. Don’t worry Lindsay – I still like you!

  5. John says:

    Good for Lindsay!!!! She is cute, she is funny and she can sell. I hope she gains a ton more roles and runs with them. You go girl!!!

  6. KC Trader says:

    This might be the time to lock up Lindsay to a multi year contract or extend her contract out for her prime years while you can still get her cheap. The New York Yankees should also follow the same advise for A-Rod.

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