– splat!

Sure there will be page views, but charging $10 bucks a month for EXTRA video. OY.

Here is the deal. There is more advertsising dollars than places to put it. CNBC is just putting those dollars to work and shmushing in “content” to make it look like a news site.

Have you checked GE’s stock lately. Let me tell you – DOG!

I am no longer the market for CNBC because I have learned that it is just noise. If you are the market, there can’t be anything that I saw that will make you pay $10/month. Do they not know the station is muted 70 percent of the day?

The most telling tale of their cluelessness about the internet is from an interaction at their headquarters a few weeks back.

When the Wallstrip gang was introduced to the head of their internet department her exact words were (names not necessary but this is true):

” Wallstrip is fantastic. Oy Lindsay, you are gorgeous. You should all be so proud.”

Flattering for sure, but than:

“When we launch in a few weeks, we are going to kick your ass.”

She did not mean it in a mean way. She was – from our brief encounter – a most positive, jovial lady and looked to sweet for the part and to say something so aggressive, but here is the thing:

They don’t need to kick our ass. They can have our content. Embed it, share it. Share advertising revenue with good (biased :) ) original content. PARTNER and get viral.

Why would anyone be scared of them. Especially Bloomberg or Fox. Shit – we chuckled about them immediately after – BEFORE – seeing this launch.

They don’t get it. Overpaid executives in beautiful digs, far from the reality of what the social market has already decided – DEAD ON ARRIVAL!

UPDATE – This is not CNBC hating or jealousy I swear. The cold hard fact is – LESS people believe or care about the stock market – THAT’S WHY IT IS GOING UP. They don’ t have eyeballs to get! Don’t believe me – watch the “man on the street” wallstrip show about stock picks. People stopped caring in 2003, right when the market started climbing again. If they launched a real estate “get rich” channel – THAT WOULD GET RATINGS!


  1. eddie Daroza says:

    I’m calling it right now, I’ll bet you ten bucks :), FOX is going to kill them. CNBC is going to turn into the CNN of biz news. I bet fox will even find a better Cramer. Learned a long time ago not to bet against Murdoch; the guy is the Steve Jobs of content. He just knows how to make stuff interesting. Go anywhere in the world.

  2. Jonah Williams says:

    Not to mention that the site seems to have been coded in ASP – it has that clunky, stumbling feel anyway – which in my opinion equals death.

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