Component Stocks – 'EveryTime I try and get Out…They Drag Me Back In!'

I love my iPhone screen. It’s just awesome. I have dropped it now like ten times on the treadmill and she is still not scratched. The cell phone business is going gangbusters and I don’t need an ANAList to tell me that. Look around you.

This iPhone and cell phone component play is for real. It will leave me bloody scarred again, but I can’t resist. Obviously I have been drawn back to Synaptics first. it won’t end well again, but this cycle feels to me like it will be longer. With Synaptics, they created tons of misdirection from the top on down through their PR firm. The stock just gapped all over the place. That freaking PR agency…Blue Coat is still on board. Don’t call them, they will lie to you :) .

Now, IT’S they ‘MAY’ be back in the Apple saddle with the iPhone touch screen. Investor’s Business Daily had a good recap on the business of Synaptics. My problem is their secrecy. I don’t trust them and although it looks like Synaptics is poised again for explosive growth, I have really just dipped my toe this time. It’s a sexy beast that I can’t tame :) .

Disclosure – long SYNA with one foot out the door at all times