Digital Supply Chain Visibility – Jack Kennedy Founder Of Platform Science Joins Me On ‘Panic With Friends’

Happy Sunday.

I had this excellent conversation with Jack Kennedy who founded ‘Platform Science‘ on my latest ‘Panic With Friends’. Platform Science is delivering a new generation of technology to drivers.

Jack has had a career that has taken him from the Navy to corporate development at Fox, to Qualcomm and now his company.

Jack does a great job explaining the importance of technology in the fleet trucking business and how important that has been during this pandemic and will be beyond. This new technology alows for 24/7/365 ‘digital supply chain visibility’.

Every minute that you are not moving you are wasting time, inventory thats not where it needs to be. No wonder Amazon considers Prologis (a partner of Platform Science) a formidable company. This is big big business and the guts of logistics that we take for granted everyday.

Jack explains as only a person with corporate development experience can, how he planned to unlocks the TAM (total addressable market) trap that existed through the Qualcomm era of running this same business.

I really loved Jack’s explanation of the joy of creating this type of platform or any platform:

‘When you build a platform people that you don’t know solve problems that you did’nt know existed and create value you don’t know was missing. For Jack a couple of those problems are traffic and safety.

You can listen to the convesation here. You can go to Spotify or Apple podcasts as well.

Have a great Sunday.

PS – All 71 Panic With Friends podcasts are here.