Direct TV on Wallstrip

I have to admit I missed this sweet all-time high breakout. It was on the list I am sure but never noticed. I love NFL Football but don’t subscribe. I don’t have Direct TV.

BUT, because the Cardinals suck so bad and hard and have sold out, they are on every weekend and its too much to take. I may need to finally go Direct TV. The Cardinals should get a commission if I do sign up. If not the Cardinals, than Wallstrip for today’s fun show.

Much has obviously going right for Direct TV and the NFL package was a coup. It also seems like TIVO and the rest of the competition have just MISSED. That helps.

I would likely consider Direct TV the stock if I was a rabid user of the product and saw the price come in a little on a selloff. For now, it just does not excite me to own.

That said, it truly excites me to see Lindsay cracking heads with our friends from Columbia U. The twins were as cool as can be and should have their own sitcom. I have no idea what agents really do, but they should be looking for twin brothers like this. The hits came as hard as they looked in the show. Lindsay is one tough gal for sure. It’s all the “down dogs” she practices in her spare time :) .

Long YOGA?


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