Evil is the Buzzword in Corporate America…BUT…Maybe we are Just DUMB!

Does it pay to be evil?

Are we paying the price for just being dumb?

Plato said that there are relatively few ways to do good, but there are countless ways to do evil. Plato rocks.

Wikipedia has some really good discussion topics on evil , but they are evil according to Britannica, so must be conflicted.

Evil peaked – according to Google Trends – in March 2009 as the stock market bottomed.

Dumb has no bottom and nobody talks about it searches for it . Hmmmm…

Google $goog says they are not evil….so you know they are pure evil.

I heard some Twitter ( $twit ) people joking around that they are only 4 percent evil. The fact that they must now grow into a $1 billion market cap, means that 4 percent evil is going to be impossible. They will need to beef up their evil game faces.

If you are a tech guy or engineer, Steve Jobs is 100 percent EVIL. I love Steve Jobs for that but only because I don’t have to work for him.

If you are Microsoft/Bill Gates you were once 100 percent pure evil, now…just a laughingstock (hat tip Steve Ballmer).

My partner Soren thinks Goldman Sachs is 140 percent evil as they have actually used leverage to increase their evil. Soren is a poet and an artist as that’s just funny.

All the evil talk is a misdirection. Jesus H. Christ, pretty boy Dylan Ratigan is talking about Corporate Communism in the United States . The fact that he has a stage for the nonsense is the only evil thing going on in his world.

Seems like we are dumb for not just owning evil.

Plato was right.

I would just add that it only takes one dumb guy with power to trump all the evil in the world.

We have two economic problems right now and they are beautifully covered in a great post from Gregor Macdonald ( a must blog read all the time on macroeconomics without the hype) and I quickly summarize:

1. Americans are trapped by their debt

2. We have failed thinkers promoting failed playbooks.

We are in trouble because we are dumb, not because of any of the evil above.


  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Evil is the Buzzword in Corporate America…BUT…Maybe we are Just DUMB! -- Topsy.com
  2. feedback tweak says:

    Mallord Ducks engage in rape to procreate so if staying focused is evil why is it that moralists claim evil’s a distraction? From their idea of common good maybe but I’m out for myself.

  3. tonyleone says:

    Mallord Ducks engage in rape to procreate so if staying focused is evil why is it that moralists claim evil's a distraction? From their idea of common good maybe but I'm out for myself.

  4. aiki14 says:

    I am a believer in never ascribing to malice what can as easily be ascribed to stupidity. I am amazed that more people are not injured walking into street signs. I guess that means I agree with Howard, but I am too er… evil to be sure.

  5. aiki14 says:

    I am a believer in never ascribing to malice what can as easily be ascribed to stupidity. I am amazed that more people are not injured walking into street signs. I guess that means I agree with Howard, but I am too er… evil to be sure.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Lets face it people are mean to each other, I read somewhere that entities are not bad, but the people that run them can be and are at times. It is how we roll on the world stage. Intents like do no evil are the best we can do and all we can hope for. The only place we can really do some good and we are dumb in this area is being good to the earth that provides us the tools, fuel and stage in which we express our intent.

  7. Ross Whiting says:

    Lets face it people are mean to each other, I read somewhere that entities are not bad, but the people that run them can be and are at times. It is how was role on the world stage. Intents like do no evil are the best we can do and all we can hope for. The only place we can really do some good and we are dumb in this area is being good to the earth that provides us the tools, fuel and stage in which we express our intent.

  8. gregor.us says:

    It’s been said that evil begins in laziness, a half-asleep state where you decide to ignore the implications of your actions. The way to not be evil is to avoid the sleepwalking. To remain alert.

  9. gregor.us says:

    It's been said that evil begins in laziness, a half-asleep state where you decide to ignore the implications of your actions. The way to not be evil is to avoid the sleepwalking. To remain alert.

  10. gregor.us says:

    It's been said that evil begins in laziness, a half-asleep state where you decide to ignore the implications of your actions. The way to not be evil is to avoid the sleepwalking. To remain alert.

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