Face To Face and The Joe Rogan/David Chappelle Conversation

This last week has been about the face to face meeting and I have been back in my element, enjoying my job.

Tom, Gary and I have been together this week getting founder pitches, discussing the future and putting together our plans.

Yesterday I drove up to Manhattan Beach for the day to walk and talk with Brian Norgard about product and strategies and had a great meal with old friends from the same industry doing more of the same.

Zoom will remain an important tool in the toolbox for founders, employees and investors (our SPAC weekly board meetings are very productive over Zoom), but the face to face productivity should not be discounted anymore. The best companies will figure out a hybrid model very quickly.

On my drives up and down the coast this week, I really enjoyed this three hour face to face podcast with Joe Rogan and dave Chappelle. I love listening to stand-up comedians talk about the old days. I did not know they had so much history together.

Have a great Friday.