Global Speeding

I read on twitter, so it must be true , that the average lifetime of an S&P 500 company (how long they stay in the index) has dropped from 75 years to 15 years.

Al Gore talks about ‘Global Warming’ and though it makes sense, I have never bought in. Too overwhelming to think about. My kids got the iPhone, so they can deal with extreme weather. I do buy in to consuming less, and living within your means.

Now Global Speeding exists. I am an investor in quite a few ‘Real-Time’ web companies and after a week of meeting with them, you can’t think straight. It is not like ‘There Will be Blood’. We are not digging holes and risking our lives, but the speed with which you have to move is dizzying.

Global speeding is not like Global Warming, but it does kill.


  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Global Speeding --
  2. ivanhoff says:

    You are absolutely right. The Global Acceleration is on everywhere (except in banking, where there is global deceleration) and it is changing the business model and profitability for most industries. A few decades ago, companies had the luxury to delay the launching of a new product, because either the consumer wasn’t ready for it yet or the companies wanted to squeeze as much profit as they can from their current products. Those times are long gone. Today a good indicator of future profitability is not size, but flexibility.

  3. ivanhoff says:

    You are absolutely right. The Global Acceleration is on everywhere (except in banking, where there is global deceleration) and it is changing the business model and profitability for most industries. A few decades ago, companies had the luxury to delay the launching of a new product, because either the consumer wasn’t ready for it yet or the companies wanted to squeeze as much profit as they can from their current products. Those times are long gone. Today a good indicator of future profitability is not size, but flexibility.

  4. kidmercury says:

    al bore talks about global warming because he has a lot of money invested in companies that benefit from the global warming hoax. link.

  5. kidmercury says:

    al bore talks about global warming because he has a lot of money invested in companies that benefit from the global warming hoax. link.

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