Golf – I am Hooked Again…AND Fox Business Sucks?

All great things come to an end as did my trip to Bandon Dunes. I was hitting the new Ping G10’s and it is by far the sweetest driver I have ever hit. Waiting with the group of 52 at Portland’s airport on our way back to Phoenix and other cities.

Probably will be my last year as I have now had 8 days over two years of near perfect weather in the notoriously miserable Orgeon coastline. The odds are nearly impossible and so next year I will be setting up a Cabo trip for a group of buddies and blog friends. If you are interested, let me know. I think early October for the best weather.

I forgot today was the first day of FOX Business…yawnereeeeno. Here is the only review you need today courtesy of The Fly:

I must say, the Fox business channel is fucktarded. I mean, they don’t even have a meaningful scrolling ticker. They have numerous asshats, talking complete gibberish. And, they do not have a presence on the NYSE.

In short: they suck.

Tax hell behind me, I may start blogging again tomorrow. In the meantime, Wallstrip turns ONE tomorrow and you have all made this such a great year for watching and reading. Thanks so much.


  1. Dozier says:

    I would be interested in hearing what your favorite golf courses are that you have played?

    Which courses are next on the list?

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