Good Stocks + Good People + Good Markets = Good Times

My friend @greenskeptic linked to this upcoming movie clip about the venture industry. Wow.

This one great quotes really stuck with me – ‘If you get involved with good people and good markets, you can probably build a company’.

This is a very basic formula for success in investing. Timing and luck are keys too so you need to be in the game to catch a break or two.

We have been in one of these breathtaking good markets now for almost 18 months thanks to the mobile web, deflation in start-up costs, social leverage and money printing. The panic just before was the icing on the cake but you did not need to invest on March 9th, 2009 to catch this move.

The deflation and poor economy for wages makes good people a little easier and cheaper to find (my friend @sparkycollier at $RAX says it has something to do with the ‘cloud’ as well – and he’s right) . The mobile web is bringing a zillion ideas and opportunities to every corner of the map, the Nasdaq bubble laid the bandwith and the social web has put everything on hyper drive.

It is the perfect storm of opportunity and as bull markets do, came immediately after the perfect storm of panic.

It’s hard to comprehend and even harder to embrace. Hence it rages on.

Sure the governments are broke, but nobody watches 60 minutes. The old people and high definition makes it more like a horror film, not a mainstream news show.

There is a lot of positive momentum in many sectors of the economy. Check the last weeks Stocktwits 50 if you are a doom and gloomer. Auto-Parts, Semiconductors, Jewellery, Shoes, Farm Equipment, Retail, Textile….wowzers.

I won’t catch a top, but I am going to enjoy the heck of the ramp to it in as responsible a way as I can.


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  4. CoopersPick says:

    howard you could also say this adage holds true with you starting up the stock twits network. Timing is everything “I wont buy the bottom or sell the top but I will make a lot of money in between”

  5. Clay Ivy says:

    As J.P. Morgan noted, it is character that matters most in the investment world. There are good people out there. Companies are defined by their people. Good people greatly increases the chances of building a good company.

    -Clay Ivy

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  11. Clay Ivy says:

    It’s so good to see someone writing about the importance of being a good person in finance. We see so many things like the movie Boiler Room and the Wall Street movies that portray business people as greed and ruthless. My favorite investor, Warren Buffet, prides himself on being a good person. He talks about building a good reputation by being a good person. Mr. Buffet explains that it takes a lifetime to build a good reputation and just one moment to ruin it. When debating whether an act is ethical or not, Warren asks himself if he would be ok if his actions showed up on the cover of the newspaper.

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