Great News for Stocktwits…More Capital, Faster Growth, Better Mobile, New Features

I have been off the blogging grid too long.

Today I felt like catching up our community on the ‘State of Stocktwits’.

Stocktwits had a profitable March. We know how to survive on our own.

I am really happy with the progress of our mobile apps. The iOS version is getting 5 stars and our new Android app is in beta with our community starting this week. We have made some great hires to help us speed product and design updates.

We have raised a fresh round of capital to help us grow even faster. Our venture capitalists participated but we also added some very strategic Asian fintech investors and some strategics from the Fund/ETF business in North America.

We have also promoted Justin Paterno to President. I am so happy for Justin and proud. Justin was hired by Phil Pearlman five years ago to help curate and build community. Justin moved up to run product three years ago and has now hired a replacement so that he can grow the team for us and run the day to day. Justin has bled Stocktwits from day 1. He understands the balance between growth and community and what the product needs to do.

I believe that Stocktwits ‘is’ and must continue to ‘be’ – an idea machine. I also believe people can learn to read the language of the markets. We must continue to build on a platform that lets people journal, interact, search and retrieve (search and retrieve is our main focus today). We are striving to accomplish this in a community with as few rules as possible that ‘nudge’ people to be friendly and even ‘nice’.

It is fun to see a vision and plan come together. I am grateful to our investors, community and team for putting this all together.


  1. ” Justin has bled Stocktwits from day 1″. Did you mean ‘led’? :-). Nice work btw. Hope you plan to add Indian stock market symbols too. We have a large trading community here.

  2. gregorylent says:

    been wonderfully inspiring to watch this flow .. am still waiting for the stocktwits system and methods to be applied to another industry



  3. jonathan hegranes says:

    Awesome news @howardlindzon:disqus and congrats @zerobeta!

    PS, loved the A-Team like quote at the end :)

  4. Bella says:

    “Very” well done Howard! Congratulations Justin! More sharing, trend spotting, education of the retail trader, and falafels ahead.

  5. Chris Lau says:

    It was only a year (or two) ago I chatted with Justin to help give feedback on the site’s refresh. Great work by him and his team. Site is thriving and the signal reach is around 100-fold greater than that of twitter. To wit, TWTR’s market cap is 33.8B.

  6. Casey Battles says:

    I have been using StockTwits as my go to for news, along with Google search/news selection, but now it is my go to mobile for charts since the update (was using CNBC).

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