Greed is Infectious…and Good?

NOBODY talks faster than Paul Kedrosky . He writes so well that you can’t be mad at him for too long either.

He was one of my favorite interviews on Wallstrip because of his attitude. From a ‘Big Picture’ he is right on many major trends and gives ‘Great Tweet ‘. Here is his September, 2007 Wallstrip interview:

Times have changed and we have a small budget at Stocktwits for video. When I interview you now, there is no Lindsay, my dog interrupts, I forget to wear pants and may not even shower. The laundry on the floor is pretty inexcusable though and I apologize. In 20 minutes we cover China, Real Estate, Venture Capital, John Paulson, and hair products.


  1. gebby says:

    enjoyed the show alot of criticism of bernake and geitner and the other players. the recession was classic yet deep. pretty amazing that there was a management that is getting us out of this mess. one idea people are stuck on in my view is the idea of free market capitalism. market is worried about the dems not being in control. the market went down with the election in Massachusetts. The markets want to know obama is in control. the market likes the stimulative spending.

  2. gebby says:

    enjoyed the show alot of criticism of bernake and geitner and the other players. the recession was classic yet deep. pretty amazing that there was a management that is getting us out of this mess. one idea people are stuck on in my view is the idea of free market capitalism. market is worried about the dems not being in control. the market went down with the election in Massachusetts. The markets want to know obama is in control. the market likes the stimulative spending.

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  7. Thrill says:

    Kedrosky is such a breath of fresh air! I loved his comments about the behind-the-scenes crap on financial news networks…. it has felt to me that they are nothing but talking heads reading teleprompters for awhile now. Viewers feel gamed just tuning in – maybe they should put ’em all in skirts and pom-poms if they want to be cheerleaders. Bad visual but great accuracy! I wish Howard would’ve asked him more macro questions regarding this “correction” ….

  8. Thrill says:

    Kedrosky is such a breath of fresh air! I loved his comments about the behind-the-scenes crap on financial news networks…. it has felt to me that they are nothing but talking heads reading teleprompters for awhile now. Viewers feel gamed just tuning in – maybe they should put 'em all in skirts and pom-poms if they want to be cheerleaders. Bad visual but great accuracy! I wish Howard would've asked him more macro questions regarding this “correction” ….

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