Head East Old Man…

Ellen and I are headed east today for an extended work, play trip. I am going to my second British Open mid month. My last British Open was Carnoustie and the Jean Van De Velde melt down.

We are excited to see Rachel who has been living and working in New York this summer at Rally Rd.

The first half of 2019 flew by.

My June started horribly with my back landing me in the hospital and a missed biking trip to Portugal, but I have fully recovered and put in about 250 miles on the bike the last 12 days.

I only made one flight in June – a day trip to San Francisco. It was my lowest travel month in years. I am feeling really rested.

One side benefit of the time in the hospital was I got myself off Ambien. This is the longest streak I have had in years and I hope to be able to stay clean for as long as possible. While my sleep sucks, I still feel more alert in general.

While I am excited to head east, I am just as excited to get back to Coronado for August and September.

Life is good.

PS – I may as well make some predictions for the second half of 2019….

1. No way Xi gives an inch with Trump and trade but I have no idea what that does to the markets. UBS and most economists think we are guaranteed a recession if tariffs don’t relent. I think tariffs do the opposite and continue to melt up, but I doubt UBS is right about a recession…at least in 2019.

2. I think small caps, emerging markets and biotech (genetic stocks) outperform if the markets continue to hold or march higher.

3. The ladies – Kamala and/or Warren pull away from the pack of Democrats.