Hello From London

Max met me in London this morning as we make our way to Belfast for the British Open and we hit the city this afternoon.

We mostly walked around SOHO and surrounding areas.

I had a beer with Naveen, co-founder of Foursquare and now a partner at Expa who happened to be in the city as well from New York. He took me to me to John Snow, one of the older pubs in SOHO and I took Max later in the day.

I took this selfie with Max and the best part is the face of the guy in the background:

The comments from my Twitter post are great.

For dinner we went to Park Chinois in Mayfair. Wouter, CEO of portfolio company Secfi, took us there and the food was fantastic.

Tomorrow we leave early for Belfast.

PS – Yesterday I posted ‘Go Forward’ in response to Fat Nixon’s ‘Go Back’ rhetoric. As always, a few people can’t help themselves from spewing hate and vitriol into my email. I appreciate knowing who the lurkers are as it make them easy to block from my free content. Others are more civil, even though they generally respond with… but liberals, but Hillary, but Obama…

People will continue to hide behind political sides and Fat Nixon knows this as he amps up rhetoric which is what makes the con so disgusting. Read Josh Brown’s excellent post from 2017 which brings to light the disgusting behavior our President, yes Fat Nixon, is dragging back out of the closet.

A few more people today will take a shot at me and I will have to send a few more to spam, but I will not watch quietly.