High School Ventures…All Aboard

I would call my new fund ‘Elementary School Ventures’, but I just saw my nine year old son Max trying to lick his forehead for an hour and I realized that may be just too early.

Instead, I will take a little less risk and look to start a fund to back high schoolers sometime in 2010.

Let’s face it, kids hate school and high school is a trainwreck for most teens. Our educational system is broken AND broke. A teen is safer driving drunk than just walking into a school these days. Textbooks are a scam. Teachers are underpaid and its cheaper to plop my kid in front of a computer I never intend to pay for and get him/her a degree in engineering from Devry or University of Phoenix in a week (I plan to default on that payment racket as well). Actually, screw that, just have some kid in India get the degree for your teen while he works on his/her start-up to support your broken ass leveraged dreams.

This is not just a rant. There is a Tsunami of change headed our way from all the problems festering from the last paragraph. The old argument ‘STAY IN SCHOOL’ means beans today as high schoolers watch their parents shoot back Xanax and Zoloft with what ever is left with their life savings.

Combined with cheap computing and bandwith, the possibilities of the ‘Social Graph’ and a general mistrust of Corporate America, the next great web entrepreneurs will be high schoolers. They will need lot’s of help.

I can talk to teens :) . You should learn how to talk to them as well. You will be working for one soon.